

“When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?” Maya Angelou On June 6, 1944, Allied forces launched the largest seaborne invasion in history, known as D-Day. The operation aimed to liberate German-occupied France and ultimately bring an end to World War II. The invasion involved approximately 155,000 troops, with the majority being American, British,…

In the News: Mona Lisa To Move?

France’s Louvre Considering Moving the Mona Lisa to Her Own Basement Room According to EuroNews.Culture, The world-famous Mona Lisa, renowned as the most visited work of art globally, may undergo a significant change in her display location. With an astounding number of up to ten million admirers annually, the painting has garnered widespread adoration. However, it…

Bartholomew Fair Returned after 150 Years.

Upon our arrival in London in early September 2023, we were greeted by a major heatwave. London’s streets shimmered in the heat, and the usual hustle and bustle of the urban landscape was accompanied by the palpable presence of the sun’s relentless warmth. As we ventured through the historic streets and modern landmarks carrying water…

The Ides of March

The Ides of March and Roman Deities The Ides of March is the day on the Roman calendar marked as the Ides, roughly the midpoint of a month, of Martius, corresponding to 15 March on the Gregorian calendar. It was marked by several major religious observances. The month of Martius was named after the Roman…


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Welcome to my Photo Blog!  I have collected many photos over the years – some good, some not so good and some really not so good.  I enjoy photography, especially the automatic point and snap kind, because it captures the essence of a moment in time that we want to remember.  Memories are like old photography paper – they fade and become mellow with time.   I leave the artistry to others, more proficient in the details of the art form.  Welcome to my moments.  Hopefully this will inspire you to leave your footprint in the “pixel sands” of time.



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Welcome to my Photo Blog

Every day we create history, simply by living. Time moves in one direction – ever forward. The only way to stop time – to crystalize a moment is when we take a photo

Do you remember the places, people, or stories behind the pictures? Photos are a record of the lives we live – they are a cultural reflection of our time in history. They are memories of who we are.